fcbo - computes formal concepts and maximal frequent itemsets
This program computes intents of all formal concepts in an object-attribute data set (a formal context), i.e. the algorithm computes all maximal submatrices of a boolean matrix which are full of 1’s. The program implements FCbO, a fast algorithm based on Kuznetsov’s CbO with improved canonicity test.
The INPUT-FILE is in the usual FIMI format: each line represents a transaction or an object and it contains of a list of attributes/features/items. If the INPUT-FILE is omitted or if it equals to ‘-’, the program reads the input form the stdin. The OUTPUT-FILE has a similar format, each line represents one intent (itemset), where numbers indicate attributes in the intent (itemset). If the OUTPUT-FILE is omitted or if it equals to ‘-’, the program writes the input to the stdout.
Computes all intents in the file named mushroom.dat where 1 denotes the first attribute in mushroom.dat. The output is written to the standard output.
fcbo -S200 foo.dat output-intents.datComputes all intents in foo.dat with extents having at least 200 objects, writing the output to output-intents.dat.
Written by Jan Outrata and Vilem Vychodil.
Report bugs to <fcalgs-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net>.
GNU GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html). This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Users in academia are kindly asked to cite the following resources if the software is used to pursue any research activities which may result in publications:
Outrata J., Vychodil V.: Fast Algorithm for Computing Fixpoints of
Galois Connections Induced by Object-Attribute Relational Data.
Information Sciences 185(1)(2012), pp.
10.1016/j.ins.2011.09.023, ISSN 0020–0255
Krajca P., Outrata J., Vychodil V.: Advances in algorithms based
on CbO.
In: Kryszkiewicz M., Obiedkov S. (Eds.): Proc. CLA 2010, pp.
CEUR WS, Vol. 672, ISBN
The program can be obtained from http://fcalgs.sourceforge.net
Further information can be found at http://fcalgs.sourceforge.net